Zonk Group Christamas Card, (24X36, ink on paper). This is one of a series of Christmas cards I did for an electronics packaging company in Dallas, TX. The employees are hijacking Santa's sled and each one has either a personal item or some "in" joke associated with them. These pieces were huge and I did them all with pen and ink, so they took forever.
Event Photos (graphite on paper, 12X16). Obviously these were done "on the spot" at an event. It usually takes me 5 minutes per face when I'm at an event. Unlike the studio work that I do, these are one shot drawings and you have to get it right the first time (no sketching). Plus there's usually a crowd gathered watching your every move. I cut my teeth on this type of caricature working in theme parks for 13 years.

I've also done events where I'm drawing animals, or animals with people. This was the
Second Annual Doggie Dash in Powder Springs, GA. I was slammed the whole time, even though the weather was bad. I really like drawing dogs because I have a soft spot for them. They are usually more still and attentive than your average person, and they'll usually let you pet them when you're finished.
Popularly known as the "seven hot chicks and a dog" post...Brilliant! Simply stunning! You can caricaturize me anytime! For real!
Bravo!!! I loved this pic...
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