Monday, August 13, 2007
Ink Illustration and a Few Event Pictures

Color and B/W Commissions

Sweet Sixteen, (ink and acrylic on illustration board, 12X16). I'll always remember this caricature because I drew her with red hair and when I got to the event I found she had brown hair. Good photo reference is SO important.

Bike Riders, (ink and acrylic on illustration board, 11X14). This guy commissioned this piece for his girlfriend to commemorate their bike rides through Taroko National Park in Japan. I think this caricature was a small piece of the total "Will you marry me?" puzzle, and I only hope, for his sake, that I didn't screw it up for him.

Thomason 50th Anniversary, (ink on illustration board, 18X24). Since this couple grew up in the Dust Bowl era in West Texas, I decided to go with the Grant Wood American Gothic theme on the basis that they might be familiar with it. The family wanted to include all 49 kids, grandkids and great-grandkids in the picture. I solved that compositional nightmare by putting their heads in the big 50.

Ashley and Blake..., (ink and acrylic on illustration board, 16X20). These two were apparently huge University of Georgia fans and probably alums, and they wanted to show that in their wedding caricature. The bulldog is the school mascot, and the arch is a popular landmark on campus.

Yearbook Staff, (ink on paper, 11X17). This was a high school yearbook staff who wanted to have a group caricature drawn to put in their yearbook instead of a photo. From left are: The Artist, The Navy Recruit, Wonder Woman, The Cheerleader, The Ringleader, Romeo and Juliet, The World Traveller, and The Opera Diva.

More Freelance Work...

Gone Huntin', (ink, acrylic on illustration board, 12X16). Obviously another Georgia Tech Foundation job for a retiree, this project almost didn't happen. Due to miscommunication, the due date got messed up on this. I thought I was waiting on a final confirmation of the sketch from the client, and they thought I was finishing the final coloring. I got a call one morning and the client said they needed the final THAT DAY. I rushed to get it finished and delivered by that afternoon. It's the fastest turnaround I've ever had, but these things happen in the illustration world.
Chips off of the Ole Block, (ink, acrylic on illustration board, 11X14). This guy repaired lawnmowers and I took mine in to be fixed. When he found out I was a caricature artist, he showed me an old caricature he had gotten done of himself with the go-cart background and wondered if I could add his son in. I told him it would be easier to just redraw the whole thing (especially since the original caricature didn't look a thing like him). So I took a few photos of both of them and did the illustration. We ended up trading a caricature for a lawnmower repair.
Golf Wedding Party, (ink, acrylic on illustration board, 16X20). This was an older couple who were getting married and the son (pictured) and his wife wanted to give them something fun and whimsical.
Yankees vs. Red Sox, (ink on illustration board, 16X20). All these guys apparently went to Georgia Tech but the guy in the middle is a Yankees fan, while his buddies are Red Sox fans. The Yankees guy's wife commissioned the illustration. I was really happy with the backgound gradation, which I did entirely with Prismacolor markers.
Galloway Holiday Card 2006, (ink on illustration board, 8X8). We always try to do a caricature holiday card but sometimes I get overloaded with client work and it doesn't happen. This one is my favorite from the past 12 years.
Five Seperate Commissions

Various Commissions