Crapitol Hill Caricatures
These political caricatures were commissioned by a right-wing website called They assured me they would be wanting unflattering caricatures of Republicans, as well, in the interest of being fair and balanced, but so far my phone hasn't rung.
They had me design the logo for the site, but I can't really take credit for it. They knew EXACTLY what they wanted, which is always good for me. When clients don't know what they want, you waste a lot of time.

This was actually a dream job because the client kept wanting me to make the subjects more and more unflattering, and I am used to having to be reigned in by most clients.
The subjects here are probably pretty obvious. President Bill Clinton is shown with "The Dress" (although I distinctly remember it being a DARK BLUE dress, the client insisted on the light blue). I wasn't sure how I was going to render the white "stains" until my wife suggested White Out. Sen. Hillary Clinton is portrayed as shrill and maniacal (and rather Simpson-esque). Sen. Ted Kennedy is equipped with his Bourbon and steering wheel straight from Chappaquidick. And Rep. Cynthia McKinney, known for her bizarre behavior such as hitting a Capitol Hill police officer with a cel phone, and introducing legislation concerning investigating the death of rapper Tupac Shakur, is shown ready for battle.

(Not shown are John Kerry windsurfing and Robert Byrd in his KKK outfit)
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