Thursday, February 21, 2008

New Illustration

Cyclist, (ink, acrylic on illustration board. 8 1/2 X 11). This piece was commissioned by the American Jewish Committee to be used as an invitation cover for an event honoring this gentleman. He actually worked with me to develop what was going to go in to the illustration, and he provided me with tons of useable photo reference.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Activity Book Covers

These are a series of activity book covers for a vision company. They specialize in providing optometrists and eye care specialists with custom caricature activity books for kids. The doctors are able to upload a photo of themselves and they appear in the activity books so kids can see their doctor in the books. I did male and female cover templates, as well as loads of internal illustrations for the books. I didn't do the title fonts, however, and I feel they should have made them a little bigger, but that's just me.

More Covers

Monday, February 18, 2008

Midwest MiniCon Caricatures!

This was some of the work I did back when I attended the 2007 Midwest MiniCon in Bowling Green, OH. It's only taken me a year to get these up here. Caricature conventions are a lot of fun, especially when they're held in interesting places around the world. Unfortunately, they make everything a competition and people end up trying to top each other by drawing cruder and more outrageous images so they can win. It's sort of like the NBA's slam dunk competition. Of course, if I ever win anything my perspective might change.

Another Recent Commission

The First 50 Years, (ink on illustration board, 12X16). This illustration was commissioned to commemorate this guy on his 50th birthday. All the figures in the drawing are of him throughout his life. This was inspired by the famous painting of Sir Winston Churchill sitting in his chair being toasted by earlier versions of himself. In fact, I lifted the chair, lamp and table straight out of the original.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

More Event Photos!

Here are some more happy people with their caricatures from a recent event I worked in Atlanta. They were one of the nicest groups I've ever worked for, and it looks like they all liked their drawings.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Caricature T-Shirt Design

This bizarre illustration was commissioned by the Allison Smith Co. for use as a T-Shirt design at their annual company party. I've been drawing caricatures at their event for years, so I was glad to help them out on this-though I have absolutely NO IDEA what the hell is going on in it. I chose not to ask too many questions...sometimes it's better that way.

Promotional Card Caricature

This is a promotional card I did for my wife. (Yes, occasionally I do find the time to do projects for loved ones). She teaches art and wanted a promo postcard image that was fun and artistic. The piece is approximately 4 1/4 X 5 1/2 (you learn to draw small when you're not getting paid) and I used the computer for the text boxes. (ink on illustration board).

Retirement Caricature

We'll Miss You, (ink on illustration board, 11X14) was commissioned by OEMCtrl as a going away present for this guy. They gave me lots to work with, so it was an easy project. Incidentally, the stain on his shirt is meant to be there. Apparently he always has a little trouble with salsa.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Ratz In The Attic

These guys are a local band around Atlanta who have hit it big on some kind of American Idol type show sponsored by Simon Cowell. I worked a gig where they were performing and during their break they came over and I drew them. They loved it and decided to use it on their website. They're a great band and nice guys, too.

Event Caricatures

These are some quick "on the spot" caricatures I did at a corporate party. They were all done in graphite on 11X17 paper.

Event Sketches Part Two

More 5 minute caricatures from the event.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Crapitol Hill Caricatures

These political caricatures were commissioned by a right-wing website called They assured me they would be wanting unflattering caricatures of Republicans, as well, in the interest of being fair and balanced, but so far my phone hasn't rung.
They had me design the logo for the site, but I can't really take credit for it. They knew EXACTLY what they wanted, which is always good for me. When clients don't know what they want, you waste a lot of time.
This was actually a dream job because the client kept wanting me to make the subjects more and more unflattering, and I am used to having to be reigned in by most clients.
The subjects here are probably pretty obvious. President Bill Clinton is shown with "The Dress" (although I distinctly remember it being a DARK BLUE dress, the client insisted on the light blue). I wasn't sure how I was going to render the white "stains" until my wife suggested White Out. Sen. Hillary Clinton is portrayed as shrill and maniacal (and rather Simpson-esque). Sen. Ted Kennedy is equipped with his Bourbon and steering wheel straight from Chappaquidick. And Rep. Cynthia McKinney, known for her bizarre behavior such as hitting a Capitol Hill police officer with a cel phone, and introducing legislation concerning investigating the death of rapper Tupac Shakur, is shown ready for battle.
(Not shown are John Kerry windsurfing and Robert Byrd in his KKK outfit)
